Sony has finally whipped the covers off the PlayStation 5 – well, mostly. We still don’t know what the thing itself actually looks like, but we got a pretty good peek under the hood. The PS5 is set to be a massive improvement over the PS4, with a powerful new graphics processor and “instantaneous” load times. Continue Reading Category: Games, Consumer Tech, Technology Tags: Games, Gaming, Video Games, Console, Sony, Playstation, Playstation 5, PlayStation 4
Xbox Series X specs list promises a powerhouse next-gen console
Microsoft just shared a huge list of specs for its upcoming next-gen Xbox Series X console, giving us a much clearer idea of what to expect when it launches at the end of the year – and it’s lining up to be a real powerhouse of a console. Continue Reading Category: Games, Consumer Tech, Technology Tags: Xbox, Microsoft, Gaming, Console, New Atlas Audio